School of the Nations has an extensive network of collaborators and volunteers that enrich, in various ways, the educational experience we are able to offer to our students.
We exchange ideas with sister schools and like-minded organizations, partner with local community groups, and gratefully accept donations.
We are open to collaborating with like-minded institutions in a variety of ways and welcome interested parties to contact us.
Sister Schools

Pooi To Middle School in Macau (澳門培道中學) and Shenzhen Huangpu Secondary School in Shenzhen (深圳市福田黃埔學校) are warmly embraced as our sister schools.
We appreciate all of the opportunities we have to learn, share experiences and explore questions together.

Educating children is a joint endeavor that we all share responsibility for, confirming the adage that it takes a village to raise a child.
We have established several avenues for parents, alumni, and others to volunteer at the school, and gratefully consider all offers that are made.
Local Groups & Partners

We engage with local organizations and groups in a variety of ways.
One form this has taken has been student service projects in collaboration with local NGOs, elderly homes, and other institutions.
Local businesses have also contributed resources and expertise to support the development of the school.